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3 min read
Ibotta scales training hurdles with Zendesk and Lessonly
Lessonly and Zendesk provide a powerful one-two punch for customer service and care agent training and…
Conversion Tracking in Chat
With Conversion Tracking, you can learn which chats are helping you accomplish business goals like sales…
7 min read
How to make a soundtrack for your life
“Splish Splash” and the “Flying Purple People Eater.” The Beatles. Goth, goth, goth. Fugazi and Bikini…
4 min read
Agent feedback: putting the pieces together
When it comes to agent satisfaction, there are compelling reasons to move beyond a surface understanding of its importance
Make yourself heard
Join the Zendesk Experience Research Panel and help shape the future of our products.
7 min read
Reduce customer effort with great service
Chances are that many of you have customer effort reduction as one of your MBOs. If not, it's time to add it
4 min read
Providing a great customer experience during the holiday rush
To help keep the annual holiday rush manageable, we’ve compiled a list of tips that’ll help…
6 min read
So you got an angry response to a cold outreach. Here's what to do next
Your action plan for dealing with angry cold outreach responses should include two facets: how you will (or won’t) respond to the prospect and how you’ll change outreach going forward.
19 min read
Amy Gallo loves a good fight. A Q&A with the woman who wrote the book on conflict.
Amy Gallo loves conflict. So much so that she believes a manager has a duty to…
4 min read
How Zendesk customers benefit from self-service
For a deeper dive into the benefits of customers helping themselves, we highlighted five of our…
5 min read
AI is what dreams are made of. Just ask Disney.
We talk a lot about artificial intelligence and the impact AI will have on our culture…
7 min read
First reply time: 9 tips to deliver faster customer service
First reply time refers to how quickly an organization can respond to a customer. Learn how to measure, track, and improve this crucial metric in our guide.
2 min read
Keep support knowledge fresh and useful
Knowledge is the product that your support team owns and builds every day
17 min read
We’re not all meant to serve customers, but if you do… a Q&A with CX leader Jeff Toister
Jeff Toister knows CX... but he really knows culture. Here he talks about our responsibility to…
4 min read
Sales and support: Collaborating to increase growth
Businesses must seek to grow with existing clients and enhance the value of these relationships over time
5 min read
Making the most of an NPS survey
What can an NPS survey tells you about your customer experience?
3 min read
5 benefits of turning know-how into knowledge
To build and maintain a great knowledge base, the best people to “hire” are the ones that use the knowledge day in and day out
4 min read
How to support your robot co-worker
We’ll learn to work well alongside our robot co-workers, but to get there, both sides are…
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