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9 min read

Stemming the loneliness epidemic one interaction at a time

As you’ve likely heard, there is an epidemic of loneliness going around. People feel profoundly disconnected…

8 min read

The startup psychologist: It’s easy to bake your issues into your company

The entrepreneurial journey can be lonely, all-consuming, fraught with failure, and devastating to relationships. All the…

4 min read

One-minute meditations to help you reset

It always sounds lame when someone tells you to deal with stress by taking a few…

17 min read

Tackling difficult topics head on: A conversation with Amy Gallo

The author of the HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict and a contributing editor at Harvard…

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4 min read

Volunteering your skill set can have some surprising benefits

Selfishness is underrated. Wait—hear me out! Giving, giving, giving is a surefire path to burning out.…

4 min read

3 surprising ways to volunteer your professional skills

We see you, do-gooder. You’re a busy, talented professional, so lucky and you know it. You…

7 min read

Growing up vs. adulting: the journey toward adulthood has changed

A few months ago, I learned about adulting—the modern term for twenty-somethings engaging in adult-like behavior.…

5 min read

How to elevate others at work

We all know one or two people like this at work. They walk in and—shazam—the room…

8 min read

The startup spouse: a view from the other side of bed

Over half a million people become entrepreneurs in the United States each month. That’s a lot…

11 min read

Stop exercising and start moving

I’m moving house in T-minus 10 days. So, yesterday, after assembling 35 cardboard boxes, dismantling two…

9 min read

Will you show up with your emotions, or send an emoji instead?

If you’ve tweeted, posted to Instagram, or texted in the past few days—and who among us…

8 min read

Your smartphone is making you stupid

Among the many life lessons my partner and I learned as we purchased and moved into…

7 min read

Don’t have kids, eat less meat, and other ways to save the world

Whose fault is it that glaciers are melting, oceans are becoming cooler and less salinated, “storms…

19 min read

Amy Gallo loves a good fight. A Q&A with the woman who wrote the book on conflict.

Amy Gallo loves conflict. So much so that she believes a manager has a duty to…

14 min read

"V" in the moment of change: Q&A with diversity and inclusion expert Vernā Myers

Everyone's a little bit racist. And the sooner we all figure that out, the sooner we…

8 min read

Selfish or selective? 6 ways Millennials are changing charitable giving.

Many people think of Millennials as self-centered, selfie-snapping, uber-texting, uber-riding, narcissists. Even some Millennials share this…

15 min read

Working moms need a new F-word: flexibility

No matter the advancements we make in technology, workplace policies, and legislation, it can still be…

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