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Great customer experiences require more than the right tools. It’s also about the people—your people.

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5 min read

Improve customer rapport by mirroring

Agents can work to build customer rapport by adjusting to a customer's emotional state or way of communicating.

11 min read

Stop exercising and start moving

I’m moving house in T-minus 10 days. So, yesterday, after assembling 35 cardboard boxes, dismantling two…

6 min read

We’re not all leaders, but we all can practice emergent leadership

When you walk into a room, there’s no easy way to know who has the best…

9 min read

Will you show up with your emotions, or send an emoji instead?

If you’ve tweeted, posted to Instagram, or texted in the past few days—and who among us…

6 min read

Emojis at work: the good, the bad, and the legally binding

Emojis haven’t actually reshaped communication. I mean, they’re symbols meant to convey a message, and humans…

8 min read

Your smartphone is making you stupid

Among the many life lessons my partner and I learned as we purchased and moved into…

5 min read

Say it with an emoji. Yes, even at work.

Whether or not you it, modern communication often involves emojis or their predecessor, emoticons. They’ve even…

7 min read

The unexpected customer service hero—we all have one

Once upon a time, when I was in a painful and difficult marriage, the city was…

4 min read

Your mother was right, you are the company you keep

You have needs, I have needs, we all have needs—one of which, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy…

7 min read

Don’t have kids, eat less meat, and other ways to save the world

Whose fault is it that glaciers are melting, oceans are becoming cooler and less salinated, “storms…

16 min read

Episode 24: Tasha Eurich on self-awareness

Organizational psychologist Dr. Tasha Eurich wants you to get serious about self-awareness. No, she doesn’t want…

8 min read

The thrifting trend is making garage sales kinda cool again

There are only a couple things that will get my father to stand in line alongside…

Meet us at the top

Read the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report.

7 min read

How to make a soundtrack for your life

“Splish Splash” and the “Flying Purple People Eater.” The Beatles. Goth, goth, goth. Fugazi and Bikini…

19 min read

Amy Gallo loves a good fight. A Q&A with the woman who wrote the book on conflict.

Amy Gallo loves conflict. So much so that she believes a manager has a duty to…

5 min read

AI is what dreams are made of. Just ask Disney.

We talk a lot about artificial intelligence and the impact AI will have on our culture…

17 min read

We’re not all meant to serve customers, but if you do… a Q&A with CX leader Jeff Toister

Jeff Toister knows CX... but he really knows culture. Here he talks about our responsibility to…

14 min read

"V" in the moment of change: Q&A with diversity and inclusion expert Vernā Myers

Everyone's a little bit racist. And the sooner we all figure that out, the sooner we…

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