Grow your support community with Zendesk Gather
Available On-Demand
Over 70% of online shoppers say user-generated content increases their purchase confidence, and 81% of customers prefer to find answers themselves. Building an online community is a great way to allow your customers to connect and collaborate as well as help your team scale its support with self-service.
At Zendesk, we have scaled our self-service support through our online community. Whether it’s fielding support questions, soliciting product feedback or just letting customers brag about the cool projects they’re working on, we know that having an online community is invaluable.
We also realize that creating an engaging online-community might seem like a daunting task, so we are here to help. Hear from Nicole Saunders, Community Manager at Zendesk, and Kasper Sørensen, Sr. Product Manager at Zendesk as they discuss best practices for growing an online support community.
In this webinar we cover:
● The benefits of having an online community
● Best practices used by our own community team at Zendesk
● How Gather, the newest product from Zendesk, is making this easier than ever before
Nicole Saunders
Community Manager at Zendesk
Kasper Sørensen
Sr. Product Manager at Zendesk