
AI powered QA to improve agent performance and customer service quality

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Emtropy Labs Inc
ราคา (USD)
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Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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1 รีวิว
over 4 years ago

Emtropy's platform has been an integral part in our fast scaling Membership Services organization. Manual QA of our agents tickets yielded such a small sample size that actionable feedback was difficult to come by. By creating a comprehensive overview of our teams behaviors, our team managers could celebrate agent wins and course correct agent opportunities in near real time. The platform is user friendly. Team managers can easily transition from an individual ticket in a coaching session to their team overview to spot any team wide trends. Emtropy has also given insights into the inner workings of our key metrics as they related to agent quality. Insights that have allowed our organization to pivot away from ineffective policy and procedure, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction scores.

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