Asana Integration By IntegrateCloud FREE

Zendesk-Asana Integration Lite IntegrateCloud. Quickly integrate Zendesk Asana

Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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2 รีวิว
Shelly Fleishaker
over 4 years ago

Free for very limited number of tasks

Developer Photo
Response from developer
over 2 years ago

sorry we have increased to unlimited.There was a bug fix

over 4 years ago

We needed a simple way to create tasks from customer tickets without bothering the requester with all the details required to solve a request. In essence, we wanted to split customer communication from the execution of ticket related tasks. We tried Zendesks Linked Tickets and Projects, but both have major disadvantages and were not well suited for our use case as there is no explicit workflow specified. Being an Asana user, it was self-evident to look into this for the task management part, but it required quite some copy/paste and manually adding the Asana task URL into the Zendesk ticket as a note. This App solves the problem! It allows to simply add a task from the tickets side-bar and select where to create the task within Asana. Optionally existing ticket data can be added and a link is placed in the Zendesk ticket and the Asana task making switching back-and-forth simple. The app adds significant value to the follow-up process of ticket induced task creation by saving valuable time and improving the quality of resolution!

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