Microsoft Teams for Support

Boost team performance using the Zendesk for Microsoft Teams Integration

Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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App Details

Works with
SoftServe inc.
Price (USD)
Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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What people are saying


3 reviews
David Wexelblat
27 days ago

This app is absolutely NOT Enterprise ready. - You can only have a single Zendesk instance in your entire enterprise connected to the app. We have multiple Zendesk instances. - The installation/configuration is written assuming that the same individual is Teams and Zendesk admin. In our environment, we needed 3 people to configure the app for testing - a Systems Engineer to do basic Teams configuration, a Global Admin to grant the access that was being requested, and me to configure the Zendesk connection. - To use Teams Side Conversations, specifically the ability to capture content from the Teams chat back into Zendesk, you must set your Teams instance to allow ANY app to access ANY Enterprise data. This is a non-starter. There is a workaround (ensure that every message in teams in prefixed with @zendesk), but that is completely unrealistic, given that the point of Side Conversations is that the other people don't know anything about Zendesk. This app might be fine for a small company with lesser security requirements, but it is absolutely not Enterprise-ready.

about 1 year ago

So, I'm not seeing how this integration allow my agents to accept tickets from Teams in Zendesk, remain in the Zendesk interface, and send replies back from Zendesk to the teams channel the requester sent the original ticket from. I want an app that will keep my agents always in Zendesk and not having to answer tickets in both Zendesk and Teams and moving between both platforms.

over 1 year ago

It looks like this has potential. It would be nice if we could start a chat across different departments in Teams and include a list of the tickets as a tab at the top of the chat. I picture this tab including the ticket, status, internal pending questions and tasks (if there are multiple items have them display as a checklist in an expandable/collapsible manner), and lastly a spot for important dates. Right now it is difficult to follow chats about specific clients when there are many items being discussed across multiple departments. Although it is great that we are able to discuss them all in one place and have the history of the communications which are quicker than the internal Zendesk comments.

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