
Tables in tickets, finally.

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5 reviews
Daniël Nieuwendijk
almost 2 years ago

In response to Yoni's question and anyone else looking for the possibility to use tables in macros: I find that, although there is no button to insert a table into the macro text editor, one can work around this by copying a table from a spreadsheet app into a macro. That said, it would be nice to have a button as well, of course.

Gabriel Ortiz
over 3 years ago

Is there any way to incorporate this into the Side Conversation Window?

about 4 years ago

I like it but how about Zendesk SELL?

almost 5 years ago

Same comment as Yoni - though it is a mystery why it's so hard to do basic editing that's been in CMS for 10 years. All I need is a table that's not forced to 100% width - when I paste in HTML, it doesn't work, markup doesn't support tables after years of people posting... This tool seems to support tables - but no control over format (borders?) and only in tickets - not macros. Sigh. Thanks though - the fact that this tool exists makes it obvious there's no native solution at least. Not sure what the differences are between basic and pro - but if these things are featured there, please let us know? Cheers.

Yoni Sudwerts
about 6 years ago

I really like this APP. But is there any chance to include it on the Macro Creator page as well?

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