CSV Ticket & User Exporter

Quickly Download tickets and Users in to CSV from Zendesk Support.

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6 recensioner
Vra Support
over 1 year ago

does nothing. not functional

about 2 years ago

Not sure what this app can do but for me it does nothing. User export the buttons are without function. And ticket export has a progress bar that jumps around. Clicking on search adds a second progress bar that also jumps around. That's all. :D

over 3 years ago

This app is really raw, lacks a lot of filtering options. ( Can only filter by what you see in the screenshots ) No fields on top of those you see in the screenshot. The app exports 100 tickets max ( developer used the regular search api with the 100 results limit ) It's a good effort, I hoped to save time for my company, but seems I have to write my own custom exporter.

over 3 years ago

Useful App.., where we can download or search all the tickets depending upon the filters we select. Very much helpful for the users who are under Zendesk Team and Growth subscription plan to generate a reports.

over 3 years ago

Indeed It's very useful App

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