Recurring Revenue

Calculates subscription metrics(MRR,ARR) & key forecasts for subscription deals

Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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Preview image of app
Preview image of app

Information om app

Fungerar med
totalt antal installationer
Pris (USD)
Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
See pricing details

Apparna installeras direkt på ditt konto

2 recensioner
over 2 years ago

I have carefully followed all the set up steps and am experiencing the same issue. Please advise if you are planning on resolving this issue or provide the steps to resolve it. Many thanks.

Mahi Tangnoo
almost 3 years ago

Hey, there is some issue with your app, Please troubleshoot it. As after installing it in my instance, After viewing it in Deals tab in my Zendesk Sell , its showing " Only available for Subscription deal, Refresh Page" Even after refreshing the page, same message is coming. Please look into this asap.

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