
Track time to Harvest right from leads and deals in Zendesk.

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6 recensioner
Miguel Ferreira
about 2 years ago

Great integration but would love to see it work with the Safari Browser. currently every log in attempt on safari just refreshes back to the login option on the app and nothing happens. 5 stars if It works with safari and the issue mentioned by Shelly is corrected!

Sam Dieltjens
over 2 years ago

It's a nice semi "integration" It would be a great integration if the clients in zendesk could be linked to the ones in harvest so the time tracking. Like it's setup now you still need to select the client in the harvest app and start the timer. I would love to see the possibility for an automated time start and a automatic client select.

Shelly Traister
almost 5 years ago

We are mainly loving the integration between Zen and Harvest, but struggling with the entries our team members forget to create via Zendesk and sometimes need to have an Admin make corrections/new entries in Zendesk to support our reporting that integrates the 2 systems. We have a super busy team that gets it right 95% of the time but the 5% of the time that mistakes are made or adjustments are needed are feeling super painful to those involved. -When a correction needs to be made to hours, Client Name, Project or Task - Admins can make the change - GOOD -When a correction needs to be made where the Agent in Zendesk accidentally forgot to use Zendesk and booked time in Harvest directly - Admin cannot make the change (the app in Zen assumes identity of the user logged into Zendesk and doesn't allow for update/override) - BAD - When the Agent inadvertently used the wrong Zendesk ticket and the entry must be deleted in Zen and a new entry added on the correct ticket in Zen to replace it - Admin cannot make the change for the same reason.

about 5 years ago

This could be so much better... As Andrew Woods points out, this is not an integration. An integration would allow us to link an org to a Customer (or project), show all time entries for the ticket, and allow you to resume. It would also limit the risks of clocking time against the wrong customer - the greatest deficit in my opinion. I don't know how folks survive without Harvest, it's such an important part of our world.

Andrew Woods
over 6 years ago

Right now, it appears to use the embedded Harvest widget (https://www.getharvest.com/add-time-tracking) which I wouldn't quite say is a true integration. The widget does add some convenience to time tracking - automatically adding the ZD ticket number to the entry notes in harvest. It would be significantly better if it was a true integration, offering features such as mapping ZD organizations to Harvest Clients or Projects.

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