
Report on trends and detect new issues in your Zendesk tickets

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Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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What people are saying


1 review
Permanently Deleted User
over 3 years ago

Your customers should have direct input into your company vision, strategies, and priorities. Do you really know how customers feel about your brand? Are you really solving the BIG customer problems that will catapult your business into the stratosphere? I'm not talking about surveys or research (what customers say vs. what they do are very different things). I'm talking about real-world, raw customer input offered at the point they're feeling pain... when they contact your support team. Keatext is a tool that translates your care tickets into actionable insights. You'll learn what customers love about your products so you can pour gas on those fires. You'll also discover what your customers find problematic so you can address product and experiences gaps before they start showing up in social or on your P/L. We treasure our relationships with customers and use Keatext to make sure they always have a seat at the table when we're making decisions. Is it a perfect solution? No... It has its limitations. But it's rapidly getting better. Plus, the team at Keatext is unbelievably awesome. If I have an issue, my representative has product and technology leaders on the phone almost immediately. I spent 20 years in SaaS and have honestly never seen this level of service. If you don't have a Voice of the Customer (VoC) influencing every corner of your company, Keatext is a brilliant place to start.

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