No longer do you have to click between Sugar and Zendesk to see relevant information. This integration will allow you to see your Sugar Contact, Lead, Account and Opportunity data right from within Zendesk. It will also allow you to view your Zendesk Tickets from within Sugar.
View all of the associated Sugar Contact, Lead, Account and Opportunity we can find from the Sugar side.
When you install the accompanying Sugar module you will have access to the Zendesk Tickets dashlet in Sugar. Here you can see all of the associated Zendesk Tickets on your Sugar Contacts, Leads, Accounts and Opportunities.
You can filter and sort to get to exactly what you need to see without having to flip back and forth between Sugar and Zendesk. You can click the
If you were previously using a Zendesk integration but it stopped being supported (Sugar 7.5 and above), this is the integration you're looking for. We have created a Zendesk integration that will support the versions the previous integration did not. It is created and supported by the same team that brought you SugarChimp. We're an experienced team that creates reliable solutions and provides great support.
This integration was built using the latest Sugar and Zendesk APIs. It uses two-sided OAuth authentication method so Sugar and Zendesk can securely communicate with each other while giving you all the control to revoke access at any time.
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