Teamviewer is the No.1 solution for remote support and desktop sharing regarding market share with over 1.5 billion installations worldwide, 20 million connected devices at any given time and translations in more than 30 languages.
With TeamViewer you can easily create a remote support session directly from your ticket in Zendesk to Windows, Mac, Linux and mobile devices Simply insert the created link into the ticket and send it to your customer. Once the customer goes online, he will appear in your TeamViewer service queue and you can instantly connect with a single click to his device For more information about using TeamViewer within Zendesk and a free trial please visit:
TeamViewer benefits at a glance
*Multi Platform: *Support for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Chrome, and Blackberry.
Feature rich: Use all TeamViewer features including multi-monitor support, file transfer, chat, VoIP, video, customer management, setting policies, whiteboard, session recording, 24/7 access and many more.
No configuration required: Works instantly behind any firewall and proxy.
High performance: Intelligent connection routing and bandwidth usage for real time screen sharing even under bad network conditions.
High security: TeamViewer utilizes RSA 2048 public/private key exchange, AES (256 bit) session encryption end to end, random passwords for one-time access, optional two-factor authentication, and access controls via trusted devices as well as black- and whitelists.
Please note that using TeamViewer with the Zendesk integration will require the latest TeamViewer version or being on subscription.
Apps install directly into your account
Super helpful that this can be linked to our zendesk instance.