Assignment Control

Assignment Control blocks the visibility of specific users and groups as assignees.

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6 reviews
Dietke Fowler
10 months ago

This app works, however, it's not intuitive. My use case is that we want/ have to have the default group "All Users", but we don't want anyone to assign tickets to that group. So, the app requires that we specify "hide All Users group" AND specify "hide that group FROM All Users group". So, you need at least one "hidden group" and one "targeted group" to hide a group from a group. Otherwise the app only knows what to hide, but not who to hide it from.

Patrick Lanwehr
about 2 years ago

This APP doesn't work and it is not very user friendly. Instead of choosing the groups or agents you want to hide, you need to find the ID first which is not very easy. I tried to hide a group, but i am still able to assign tickets to the hidden group.

over 2 years ago

Does not have any affect in side conversations, you can still search and see all the hidden groups. Would be better if you could just select the groups in the app rather than inputting the ID's.

Jennifer Eng
about 4 years ago

This App is helpful to hide certain groups from appearing, however I wish there were a "Read-Only" option in addition to the "Hidden" groups. Use Case: There are some groups we want to be assigned only via macro (like Tier 2 for example). We would like to avoid our T1 agents from manually selecting Tier 2 while addressing a ticket and have them utilize macros to do this instead. This helps us ensure that the additional settings from the macro are actioned on the ticket (adding tracking tags, setting the ticket status, etc). However how it works now, if we were attempting to use this app for the above reason we'd be unable to. If Tier 2 is added to the "Hidden" groups of the app, and a Tier 1 agent applies a Tier 2 assignment a macro to a case, the macro will take all actions *except* for adjusting the group. Because the Tier 2 group is hidden overall from the Tier 1 agent with this app, the macro doesn't allow that to update on the ticket.

about 4 years ago

I tried this app but it does not work for the mobile Android App, it works only on desktop.

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