
Waywar is a versatile Zendesk Help Center template that empowers your business to create a captivating FAQ that drives Self-service.
*Richiede il piano Guide Professional o un piano di livello superiore.

Informazioni sul tema

Unleash the potential of your Helpcenter with Waywar's powerful functionality and stylish design.

Key Features:

  • Easily Customised and Updated
  • High-Quality Development & Page Structure
  • 100% Responsive and Performant
  • Customer Support & Expert Team
Prezzo (USD)
Standard license
Standard license
Provides a pre-built theme that you can enable directly in your Help Center. Standard licenses don't provide access to the source code and only allow preconfigured settings.
: $ 49
Developer license
Developer license
Provides a pre-built theme with access to the theme code, meaning you can customize the theme to your needs. Available for Guide Professional and Enterprise only.
: $ 99

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