Macro: Find & Replace

Find and replace for all your macros – easy bulk updating in one click.

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Macro: Find & Replace

Free 3-day trial, then $29.00 per month

  • Unlimited updates to Macros content and titles
  • Unlimited support, with the option for monthly check-ins
  • Alternative payment methods, security audit also available on request

Free 3-day trial, then $79.00 per month

  • Unlimited updates to Macros content and titles
  • Unlimited support, with the option for monthly check-ins
  • Alternative payment methods, security audit also available on request
  • Security review & questionnaires
  • Dedicated 1-1 Macro consultation
2 recensioni
Bryan Selwood
almost 2 years ago

Fantastic app that has proved very useful straight away and Oskar has been amazing with the support and communication offered. Can't recommend enough!

about 2 years ago

We've been after a solution to bulk updating macros for a long long time, something as simple as a find and replace function to stop the hours upon hours of searching through macros to find certain information, using zendesks not so powerful search algorithm. This app is super simple to use, with build in "before vs after" frontend design so you can see exactly what changes will be made before you make them. Not only this, but it's free! It's so rare to find free apps on Zendesk nowadays, so kudos to Oskar for this. Also - it's really refreshing to see Zendesk app developers who are really passionate about improving the experience for users over profit. I'd urge anyone who installs the app to have a chat with Oskar about your Zendesk pain points, thoroughly lovely person!

Developer Photo
Response from developer
about 2 years ago

Thank you Rosie!!

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