Attachment Manager

Manage your ticket attachments with this collection of apps

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9 recensioni
Ksenia Lewartowska
over 1 year ago

Cannot find it useful. I was also hoping to have possibility to download all attachments at once. Is there any idea to update this app?

Ana Da Silva
about 2 years ago

It is a useless application, it shows images that are not user attachments but signature images etc. Would it be possible to update and fix this? Perhaps adding a filter to the listing or excluding images that are not attached by the user. Thank you.

Meike Kipphan
over 2 years ago

Is it possible to display the date of the attachments in European?

almost 4 years ago

For some bizarre reason, it sometimes fails to add certain images in the comments

Joe Bushey
about 4 years ago

I've installed this app and notice it updates when an agent updates a ticket--does it not add the tag to pre-existing tickets or when end users update the ticket with an attachment?

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