Enhance the efficiency and visibility of the sales support process.
Free to install
Help your customer support agents to view Zoho CRM data inside every ticket
View, search or create Capsule contacts without leaving Zendesk
Connect Zendesk to Maximizer to track customer support interactions in your CRM.
Zendesk and Hubspot integration, helps your support team and sales team on sync.
Multiple plans available
Integração Total entre a Plataforma Instant e o Zendesk.
Display your Teamgate customer details directly in Zendesk
Automatically syncs Zendesk tickets with your HubSpot contacts (Bi-Directional Sync)
Free 7-day trial
Integração entre a Plataforma Instant e o Zendesk Sell.
Display customer Orders from Woocommerce. You can Create a ticket for an Order
Email campaigns to reach your customer list and follow up on mail performance.
Zignatures app enhances Agents control over signatures
Send, automate and track proactive WhatsApp messages
Send Proactive WhatsApp messages
Uma forma rápida e eficiente de trabalhar com o rastreio dos Correios.
Monitor and respond to iOS, Android, and Amazon reviews right from Zendesk.
Send email campaigns directly from your Zendesk using Mailchimp
Integrate the world's most attractive CRM with Zendesk
View key customer success insights alongside tickets
Show external customer data next to your tickets
Serve your subscribers faster and better
Show data from external sources in Zendesk Sell
Show external customer data next to your chats