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Web Widget

Bring the best of Zendesk right to your website. Pick and choose how the widget works for you—whether it’s a contact form, live chat, or embedded self-service.

Knowledge on tap

Give customers help resources without making them go out of their way. The widget automatically serves relevant knowledge base articles based on the page a customer is on, reducing the number of questions for your team.

A field for questions

Be there for your most engaged visitors with a contact form or live chat. And the widget lets you gather context about their question, so your team has exactly what they need to help.

web widget

Get started right away

Add the Web Widget to your website in minutes. Copy and paste a few lines of code, and then use the settings to toggle features on or off.

web widget

Zendesk Support empowered Zoosk's agents and doubled their productivity

"Our agents often type 'I Love Zendesk' as their IM status message. We're big, big Zendesk fans."

- Eric Hallquist

Senior Director of User Operations

Read customer story

Tap into more knowledge

Learn more about the Zendesk Web Widget and live chat.

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Make self-service easy with the Web Widget

Most customers would rather not call support if they don't have to. Learn how to make it easy for them to find what they need

Start a free trial of Zendesk Support