User Data

Displays information about the ticket requester and requesters organization.

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The Zendesk Support User Data app gives you customer information, including user and organization details such as tags, ticket activity, and contact, right next to a ticket.

With more context around the customer, your agents get a holistic view of the interactions your customers have had with your organization and can provide a more tailored response.

By enabling this app, You agree to the Built by Zendesk Terms of Use.


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3 anmeldelser
Andy Mc Kinnon
over 1 year ago

Why is it only showing the details from Org fields if the Agent is also and Admin in the system?

Michael Mc Mahan
over 5 years ago

Helpful, when it is accurate and working, which is about half of the time. Hopefully this improves.

over 6 years ago

After an update about a 3 months ago there is a problem. If you right click link near N (number of new tickets of the user) and select "open in new window" the new window will be empty. So you will have to open "number of new tickets of the user" in the same window. And it is very unconvinient if you selected Play on the tickets view (to play one ticket after another).

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