Round Robin

Round Robin is a service that automatically assigns tickets to the agents in a round robin fashion.

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Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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Free to install
Additional fees may apply
Some apps may require a purchase or subscription outside of Zendesk in order to function properly. See app description for full details.
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17 anmeldelser
9 months ago

Good app

Permanently Deleted User
over 2 years ago

Round robin is an awesome app. It saves us so much time and allows us to easily route tickets to the appropriate agent based on ticket priority and categorization as well as agent's skillset and availability. Can't recommend enough!

almost 3 years ago

Unfortunate this is not something ZD doesn't already offer.

Neil Smith
about 3 years ago

No-brainer solution to something that ZD probably should have had all along. App is straightforward to set up and use, very flexible to accommodate multiple use cases and pricing is very fair. They have also just added automated time zones, which was about the only missing feature and reached out to me personally to share that info.

over 3 years ago

RoundRobin is the greatest thing to happen to Zendesk since view and macros. Gone are the days of "that's so unfair!" and "I always get the bad tickets". Nifty little app that allows easy setup and integration with your Zendesk ecosystem to evenly and fairly distribute tickets. Emphasis on the "easy to set up".

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