Ticket Field Manager

Allow an admin to configure ticket fields to be required, hidden, or made read-only.

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12 anmeldelser
Admin Zendesk
over 1 year ago

Useful app, but not like it is developed. Too slow to apply (the hide field are show for few second) and very difficult to set up. Is not possible to set up different for any group

over 1 year ago

Technically this app functions, but configuration is extremely finicky (you have to use field IDs instead of seeing the field name, which makes it a nightmare to admin). You also cannot set permissions on a per-rule basis; for example, if you want a certain group to see one hidden field but not another, you're out of luck — all rules are tossed into one bucket, and exceptions apply to all or nothing.

over 1 year ago

Doesn't work. have a custom multiline field set to be hidden, however no matter what, the field is never hidden.

Claudiu Tudor Jude
about 2 years ago

This app is really useful, however it seems that it is not possible to hide options within Multi-Select Dropdown fields.

Joshua Bentley
over 2 years ago

Enjoying the app, but I wish it would let you make the Form field read-only or hide it. My agents don't need to change that drop-down and despite my best efforts, I cannot get the app to touch the Form drop-down for agents.

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