Article • 1 min read
Improve your support tickets with video
โดย Kate Crane, Content marketing manager
อัปเดตล่าสุด September 21, 2021
No doubt many of your customers are sparkling conversationalists. But we’re guessing that like most people, they’re selective about how and when they want to do their talking. When it comes to customer service, they want fast answers, but they might heave a sigh of resignation at having to pick up the phone.
Video, though? A how-to video that’s just the right length can yield big relief at one more problem off the table. Which is where our friends at Wistia come in.
Think of Wistia as professional video hosting that specializes in business solutions. You can tie it to your email tools to capture leads, boost your SEO performance, and get a clearer picture of how viewers engage with your offerings.
Looking at data from one client, Wistia saw an already robust customer-happiness rating jump to 98% when video was used in support tickets. And 40% of the support tickets that were answered with video ended up being one-touch responses. This matters: A study by ICMI found that 75% of companies that saw an increase in one-touch responses saw increased customer happiness too; in addition, half of the companies had improvements in operational costs and/or employee satisfaction.
Zendesk and Wistia teamed up to make a nifty guide to using video in your support tickets. Going forward, you and your customers can write novels for the sake of art and save the phone calls for the relationships worth phoning home about.