
Castor is a versatile, responsive, RTL-ready, and easily customizable digital creative & portfolio Zendesk theme. It is designed with incredible attention to detail, flexibility, and performance.
*Kræver Guide Professional eller mere

Om temaet

Castor theme best suited for developer, designer, programmer, web developer, freelancer, engineer, copywriter, consultant, SEO specialist, app developer, photographer, marketing manager, etc.

  • All Prices are one time-off.

Castor Theme Features -

  • 100% Fluid Responsive - Fits any device perfectly
  • Powerful Theme setting options
  • Wide & Boxed layout options
  • YouTube style video gallery portfolio
  • LineIcons and FontAwesome icons included
  • Shortcodes elements included
  • Translations (You have to use the DYNAMIC CONTENT placeholders instead of static text)
  • Google Fonts included
  • Smooth Animations
  • Alert Bar (notification banner)
  • User-Friendly Code
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Easy to Customize
  • Well Commented Code
  • Many more...

Castor Theme offers 2 licenses -

  • Standard license - Priced at USD 149, one-time purchase with free future updates. The code access is not available in this edition. You will be able to change all settings via admin UI.
  • Developer license - Priced at USD 249, one-time purchase. At this edition includes everything in Standard License, plus full code access.

  • It is recommended that you purchase Developer License so you have access to all templates code, and you can enabling customization through modifications to HTML/CSS/JavaScript as required.

You need Developer license for the below enhancements

  • Homepage category blocks icon (Font icon) - You can only update Ten (10) icon in setting option. If your Help Center has more than 10 categories then you have to go with the Developer license. it requires additional customization. We'll do it for you (FREE).
  • Category block with image icon

24/7 Effective and Friendly Support

Our Zendesk themes are updated regularly to support new features and capabilities. Have any questions about our theme? Feel free to email us.

Pris (USD)
Standard license
Standard license
Provides a pre-built theme that you can enable directly in your Help Center. Standard licenses don't provide access to the source code and only allow preconfigured settings.
: $ 149
Developer license
Developer license
Provides a pre-built theme with access to the theme code, meaning you can customize the theme to your needs. Available for Guide Professional and Enterprise only.
: $ 249

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